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Andrew Bone



Andrew Bone is the Chair & Co-founder of Dayshape, an award-winning enterprise software company founded in Edinburgh.

Bone graduated with a first-class degree in Computer Science from St Andrews University. This led to his first job as a software engineer. It was there he met Dayshape co-founder, Alastair Andrew. Bone went on to train as a Chartered Accountant, working with PwC and RBS. Andrew (not to be confused with Bone) went back into academia to pursue a PhD in combinatorial optimisation, an area with applications in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Bone and Andrew remained friends. Over a pint in 2013, Bone convinced Andrew to launch a start-up focused on taking AI and optimisation techniques from academia, and wrapping them in a product which would allow people in the real world to benefit. Professional services was a sector Bone knew well, including first-hand familiarity with the pain of “resource management”.

Together, and with a growing team of PhDs and software engineers, they built what is now known as Dayshape.

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